Easily Distracted?



At some point in our early academic upbringing we shared a classroom with a child or friend who exhibited clear signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Aside from being hyperactive, this friend may have been disruptive, had difficulty concentrating and completing tasks. These classic ADHD symptoms along with others have commonly been recognized in children, but of recent years these same symptoms have become increasingly present in adults, especially in women.

In the June issue of Women’s Health magazine they dedicate the  “Is Your Mind in Overdrive” article to the alarming trend of late ADHD diagnosis in women. The article address some of the leading factors contributing to the trend, like the irregularities in our key neurotransmitters: dopamine and norepinephrine, our genetic liaison to ADHD, and the most revealing factor to be, the social expectations place on women which aid at masking the disorder through *coping mechanisms (*seeking to master, minimize or tolerate the problem). The late diagnosis of ADHD can be far more harmful to the mental state of women than in men, and can negatively affect work, interpersonal and personal relationships. Fortunately, there are medications that can help reduce the symptoms in adults, however it isn't a magical pill that will fix all the problems and relationship difficulties. That's why it's so important to also make lifestyle changes that include regular exercise and yoga, a healthy diet and sufficient sleep.  There are many natural treatments that are effective and a great option to treat ADHD in adults, the article suggests:

  • "Supercharge your brain with foods such as nuts, vegetables, eggs and lean meat. Protein provides essential building blocks for alertness-inducing brain chemichals."


  • If you have you have a major task ahead write down the tasks in small steps. Avoid putting off assignments.

  • "If your mind wanders off during meetings, force yourself to pay attention by taking detail notes or keep your eyes on the person speaking."








  • "Each time click to open an email, text or facebook notification your brain gets a temporary dopamine surge leaving you happy then distracted. Avoid excessively checking personal accounts."



  • Touch has an amazing ability to help improve self regulation, so treat yourself to a rubdown.


To read the full length article, pick up the latest copy of Women’s Health Magazine or visit http://www.womenshealthmag.com

For more information on the subject visit  www.adhdaware.org/


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